West Texas Resources
All Kind Animal Initiative - Abilene. Adoption program, TNR Program, low-cost spay/neuter. Email Amanda at amanda@allkindabilene.org or Mikaela at mikaela@allkindabilene.org or call 325-698-0085.
Alpine Humane Society - Alpine. Low-cost spay/neuter for community cats and pets.
Ballinger Police Department Animal Control - Ballinger. TNR Program. They operate a TNR program to control the population of feral cats within the City limits of Ballinger. Feral cats are transported to the Runnels County Vet Clinic where they are spayed/ neutered and given rabies shots. Do confirm that the cat will be returned to you as opposed to areas of need determined by the dept. Email bpd@ballingerpd.org.
Belinda’s House of Cats’ Furever Meow - Odessa. TNR Program, adoption. Nonprofit devoted to saving, sterilizing, & adopting local cats in need.
Brown County Humane Society - see Corinne T. Smith Animal Center
Cassie’s Place - Tom Green County & surrounding areas. Low-cost spay/neuter for cats. Rescue and rehabilitation for animals who suffer from life-threatening accidents, cruelty, neglect, and abuse in order to find them the perfect home. Email them!
City of Abilene Community Cat Program - Abilene. For more information on the TNR Program in Abilene email the Community Cat Coordinator at Brittni.Sego@Abilenetx.gov or call 325.725.9222. UPDATE: Effective January 1, 2023, All Kind Animal Initiative will take over the management of the Abilene Animal Shelter and related services, while Animal Control Officers will now service residents under Abilene Police Department’s (APD) newly created Animal Outreach Team.
City of Comanche Animal Shelter (Facebook Page) - Comanche. This shelter is primarily focused on dogs but might be a resource for posting about community cats, finding fosters for kittens, connecting with others that might want to help with TNR, etc.
City of El Paso Animal Services - El Paso. Community Cat Program, low-cost spay/neuter. Drop Off: Sunday through Thursday, 11 am to 6 pm. Visit their page on What is Community Cats.
Corinne T. Smith Animal Center (aka Brown County Humane Society) - Brownwood. Vouchers for spay/neuter of pets and stray/feral cats. browncountyhumanesociety@gmail.com 325-646-0617
Critter Shack - San Angelo, Wall. TNR, TNR Support, barn cat program. Critter Shack volunteers help to educate, to offer assistance with trapping, transport to vets’ offices, to loan traps, and provide help in many, many ways. Call 325-450-7117 to schedule an appointment or for more information. Check them out on Facebook!
El Paso County Animal Welfare - El Paso County. Pet Wellness Clinic - all healthy pets can be spayed or neutered, vaccinated and microchipped at no fee for our County residents and rescue partners. Cats can be brought in traps and will not be ear-tipped though as they will be regarded as “pets”. Visit their Facebook page.
El Paso TNR - El Paso. TNR, trap loan, education, trapping assistance, works to increase access to reduced cost spay/neuter.
Fix West Texas - Midland, West Texas. Low-cost spay/neuter of community cats, barn cat program. Pet Food Pantry. Click to visit their Facebook page.
FUNding TNR Brownwood! (Facebook page) - Brownwood. Raises funds for TNR.
Hands of Mercy Cat Sanctuary (Facebook page)- San Angelo. Helps feral cats find happy, sustainable lives. Click here for their website that shows adoptable pets. Click here for their Facebook page.
Happy Day Humane Society (Facebook page) - Big Spring, Howard County. Seems to be a rescue only for dogs but might be worth checking with to see if they know of anyone doing TNR, feline fostering, low-cost spay/neuter for community cats, etc.
Humane Society of El Paso (Facebook page) - El Paso. Shelter, spay/neuter program for community cats, supportsTNR. May also be a resource for adoption of friendly kittens or low-cost euthanasia when needed. Contact the Mary Speer Program Team at 915-532-6971 at ext. 132 or 135 to schedule a spay/neuter service for community cats.
Humane Society of Odessa - Odessa. Unsure if they provide any TNR support but may be a resource for information. (432) 381-5503
Humane Society of West Texas - Lubbock and the surrounding area. Low-cost spay/neuter, trap loan program. This no-kill animal rescue also supports the feral cat TNR program at Texas Tech University. This free program is run by volunteers and TNR's the campus cats at no cost to Texas Tech University. See the website for Tech Feral Cat Coalition or their Facebook page.
Lubbock Animal Shelter - Lubbock. As of Fall 2020, the shelter is working to create an organized TNR Program and are being very supportive of TNR. If you are willing to get your colony of community cats TNR’ed, please contact them for a list of resources in Lubbock that are willing to assist you with this effort. Click the link to also find a great list of resources and helpful videos including topics like how to trap and to attend an online TNR class.
Midland Cat Wranglers - Midland. TNR Programs in collaboration with Midland Humane Coalition. All volunteer group that also raises funds for spay/neuter of community cats. Check out their Facebook page!
Midland Humane Coalition - Midland. TNR Program through Midland Cat Wranglers. Midland residents can borrow live traps, and have them spayed/neutered, vaccinated, ear tipped & returned. $70 Spay/Neuter Vouchers. Visit them on Facebook.
Mitchell County Paws (Facebook Page) - Colorado City. Seems to be a good option for posting about cats and dogs, lost and found, seeking adopters, etc.
PAWS Cat Rescue Haven House (Facebook Page) - Odessa. This 501(c)3 "NO KILL" Shelter for cats/kittens rescues cats off of the streets of Odessa, Texas and surrounding areas and gets them ready for adoption.
Paws 4 life animal rescue and H&M animal shelter (Facebook page)- Ranger. This group does provide support services for cats.
Permian Basin Animal Advocates - Midland, Permian Basin. Foster-based nonprofit that rescues neglected animals from the streets and/or kill shelters and strives to find permanent, approved homes for them. They also provide community education on TNR and the importance of spay/neuter. Also visit their Facebook page.
P.E.T.S. Clinic - Lubbock. No income or residency restrictions. Low-cost spay/neuter. Call 806-507-0836 or email them.
Pet Vet Relief (Fix West Texas) - Midland, Odessa, West Texas. Contact petvetrelief.com for info on low or no-cost spay and neuter services. Click here for info and to schedule an appointment.
Rescue the Animals SPCA - Abilene and 20 West Texas Counties. Email them or call their message line: 325-698-7722. Unsure how they help other than “helping homeless animals, promoting spay/neuter, and fighting animal abuse and neglect”. It is likely they only provide services for dogs. Check them out on Facebook.
Sam Coffey Animal Rescue Friends (SCARF) - Kimble County, Junction. Assists the homeless and unwanted dogs and cats in the area. It is a 100% volunteer and foster-based nonprofit organization.
Stephens County Humane Society Inc. - Breckenridge. Unsure if they provide any support for community cats but they do seem to have an affiliation with Best Friends Animal Society.
Sun City Cats - El Paso. TNR Advocacy organization. TNR education and support. Trapping assistance and feral kitten foster. Assistance with TNR expenses comes from donations when available. 915-472-4926 or Help@suncitycats.org. Or check them out on Facebook!
Tech Feral Cat Coalition - Lubbock Texas Tech Campus. TNR program on campus. Midland Humane Coalition
The Haven Animal Care Shelter - Lubbock. This no-kill, non-profit animal sanctuary is generally home to over 100 animals, primarily dogs and cats. In addition to special needs animals such as those with chronic illnesses and the elderly, The Haven ACS shelters a wide variety of adoptable dogs and cats.
Read about ACU’s Feral Cat Program for cat trapped on campus. Potential volunteers can contact feralcats@groupmail.acu.edu.
Check out this GoFundMe page begun in Feb 2019 to help cover the $25 spay/neuter fee for TNR’d cats in Midland/Odessa.
Read about how Alley Cat Allies helped El Paso adopt a TNR Policy in 2016.