Houston & the Gulf Coast Resources

TNR: spay/neuter, education and assistance

TNR: spay/neuter, education and assistance

Caring for community cats

Caring for community cats

TNR’d in Houston - now living at Shadow Cats

TNR’d in Houston - now living at Shadow Cats

A Life to Live-Good Felines - Baytown. TNR & SNR programs, barn cat placements, education, outreach, and community cat feeders.

A Smart Rescue - Spring, serves North Texas and Montgomery Counties. Adoption, Sanctuary. A foster-based organization that does adoptions and has a sanctuary for special needs cats. Click here to visit their Facebook page.

Abandoned Animal Rescue - Magnolia, Tomball. No-kill shelter, Spay/neuter support. Click here to see if you qualify for spay/neuter assistance for your cat or kitten. Might be an option for adoptable cats and kittens.

Adopt A Cat INC - Houston. Nonprofit, no kill cat sanctuary, adoptions. Their mission is to rescue, rehabilitate, and foster homeless felines until safe, caring, and permanent homes are found for them.

Almost Home Cat Haven - Houston. Nonprofit no-kill cat rescue and adoption. 832-286-4285

Animal Alliance of Galveston County - Galveston County, La Marque. Male cat neuter $68, female spay $83.

Animal Friends Austin County (Facebook page) - This online resource is for sharing information to help pets in need in Austin County and surrounding counties. It might be a good resource for posting found cats or friendly cats and kittens.

Animal Rescue Kleberg (ARK) Facebook Page - Kingsville. Their mission is to place homeless cats and dogs into permanent homes while promoting public awareness spaying and neutering in order to decrease the number of stray pets in the community. Might be a good resource for TNR efforts.

Animal Alliance - Galveston County. Low-cost spay/neuter, education. Animals for spay/neuter need to be brought in 7-8 AM. No appointment is necessary for sterilization of feral cats. Only the first 5 feral cats in line each day Monday – Friday will be accepted. The clinic is usually booked 6-8 weeks in advance. Feral Cat Trapping Instructions.

Animal Justice League - Oak Forest and surrounding neighborhoods of Houston. Volunteer group that rescues and cares for stray/homeless cats and dogs, raises funds to help with medical expenses, foster and adoptions, and community education of spay/neuter. Intake Request Form.

Aransas Pass Animal Control (Facebook page) - Aransas Pass. They are a Best Friends Partner and seem to support TNR and have this comment on their website: “If you do trap, you may contact animal control once the animal has been trapped. All feral cats picked up by animal control are subject to Trap Neuter Release (TNR) unless special circumstances exist. The cat will be taken to a veterinarian for examination, where it will receive shots and be spayed/neutered before being returned to the trap site and released in accordance with state law.” 361-758-5224

Bandade Animal Rescue - Sugarland. TNR Program, adoption, medical care assistance. Non-profit, no-kill animal rescue of abandoned/stray dogs/cats, attend to medical needs and prepare for adoption. They also actively participate in the control of feral cat populations which includes trapping, veterinary services (spay/neuter and attending to general health issues), and release of the cats. Visit their Facebook page.

BARC Animal Shelter TNR Program - Houston. Low-cost spay/neuter, colony management support, trap loan program. Visit this page for their “Working Cat Program!

Baseline Animal Welfare Foundation, Inc. (Facebook page) - Magnolia. Their mission is to support and
enhance connections among persons and organizations in the animal welfare community. Their goal is to provide prompt funding, tools and information needed by those who endeavor to rescue neglected, injured, suffering and/or stray animals of all types. Visit their website.

Baytown Humane Society - Baytown. Appears to only assist with dogs.

Baytown TNR Efforts Facebook Page - Baytown. Supports TNR around Baytown and sometimes other areas.

BCS Spay Neuter Project - Bryan, College Station, Brazos County. TNR Program, Foster and adoption, spay/neuter advice. Visit their Facebook page.

Best Friends FurEver - Humble, Kingwood. This group rescues unwanted, injured, and abandoned animals and provides medical care, rehabilitation, and temporary homes.

Best Friends in Houston - Houston. Adoption program. Works collaboratively with city shelters, local animal welfare organizations, and passionate individuals to save the lives of pets in shelters in Houston and the surrounding areas.

Boarding For Rescues & Animal Welfare (Facebook page)- El Campo. This group rescues companion or friendly animals and arranges transport to northern states. Check out their website too! Might be a good resource for friendly cats and kittens or for information on other local resources.

Brazoria County Barn Cats - Adoption, TNR, and Relocation (Facebook page) - Brazoria County. Note: all adoptable barn cats must be spayed and neutered prior to posting on their page. Cats posted for TNR or relocation help can be unaltered; however, arrangements for spay/neuter must be made prior to relocation.

Brazoria County SPCA Low-Cost Spay Neuter Clinic - Freeport, Brazoria County. TNR program with spay/neuter and vaccinations for $55. Email for more info.

Calhoun County Humane Society - Located in Port Lavaca and serving Calhoun County which includes Port Lavaca,  Seadrift,  Port O' Connor, Point Comfort and many rural areas. Call 361-553-8916 for urgent needs or email cchs@tisd.net. Unsure as to whether they support TNR but if not, may be a good resource for friendly cats and kittens, trap loan, and possibly volunteers who do TNR. Visit their Facebook page.

Citizens for Animal Protection (CAP) - Houston. Feral cat education, low-cost spay/neuter, adoptions, and TNR assistance. The Feral Cat Assistance Program (FCAP). Click here for the FCAP Surgery Form to be filled out by the trapper. fcap@cap4pets.org


City of Corpus Christi Animal Care Services - Corpus Christi. Might be a resource for sick or injured community cats and more. CCACS strives to provide a healthy and safe environment for strays, unwanted or homeless animals.

City Of Beeville Animal Control-Shelter (Facebook page) - Beeville. Shelter. Unsure if supportive of TNR but may be a resource for borrowing traps and adoption for friendly cats and kittens.

Clipped Ear Cat Sanctuary - Conroe, Montgomery County. Provides support for TNR in the form of guidance, trap loan, and volunteer assistance as available.

Coastal Bend Cat Rescue Facebook Page - Corpus Christi. TNR of community cats. Email them here.

Community Cats of Chambers County - Chambers County. TNR Program.

Copper’s Cat Commune - Houston Area. Sanctuary for special needs cats.

Dori's Darlings No-Kill Cat Rescue (Facebook page) - Houston. Foster-based rescue. 832-969-8881 or doris.darlings@gmail.com

East End Kitties EEK - Houston (East End). TNR, placement, colony support. Email them! 832-293-6546

Edgar And Ivy's Cat Sanctuary - Corpus Christi. Sanctuary for special needs cats (including feral cats), adoptions, supports TNR.

Emancipet - Houston. Low-cost spay/neuter. Spay/neuter services will be provided for community cats at Emancipet’s for $69 and will include a tattoo and an ear tip. Note there is a limit of 2 cats per visit. Emancipet provides TNR services for community cats at their East End clinic. If you have trapped a community cat, please call their resource center at 713-321-2713. Check out their Guide to Community Cat Resources.

Fix Ur Pet - Santa Fe, Galveston County. Low-cost spay/neuter and other veterinary services. Feral Cat (must be in trap): $50. Contact them at 409.270.2127 or email them. Visit their Facebook page.

Fix-Houston - Friends For Life - Houston. TNR, low-cost spay/neuter, Barn cat Program, Trap Loan Program. TNR of free-roaming cats in targeted sections of Houston. Click here to access their Trap Loan Request Form.

For Every Rescue A Life Saved - Ferals, aka F.E.R.A.L.S. (Facebook)- Corpus Christi. TNR Program. Visit their website for more info.

Fort Bend County Animal Services - Fort Bend County, Richmond. TNR and SNR Programs, low-cost or no-cost spay/neuter, trap loan program. They also have a foster program for neonatal kittens. They partner with Cy-Fair Animal Hospital to offer no-cost spay/neuter service for eligible Fort Bend County residents’ cats and dogs. Eligibility includes being 65 or older OR be enrolled in specific programs. Click here for more information. Check out their Facebook page.

4 Paws Farm - Hempstead. They are the lead shelter in combining efforts and resources for a tri-county approach to animal protection in Waller, Austin, and Grimes Counties Texas. There is some information that indicates they may be doing some TNR and assistance with cats that need to be placed elsewhere or may be eligible for adoption.

For the Love of Strays - Corpus Christi. Rescues homeless dogs and cats, provides spay/neuter, and tries to find homes through adoption. Visit their Facebook page.

Forgotten Pet & Wildlife Rescue (Facebook page) - Dickinson.

Friends for Life - Houston. See also “Fix-Houston - Friends for Life”. Provides some support for TNR including a barn cat program. Visit this page for information about TNR from their website. Offers low- cost spay neuters + rabies vaccination for $70.00.

Friends of BARC Feral Cat Program - Houston. This program loans traps & supplies, offers paid surgery vouchers at select area clinics and advises on trapping & surgery aftercare. Email them for more info.

Friends of Stray & Impound Animals in Bay City/ Matagorda County (Facebook Page) - Bay City. Unsure if they are still active. (979) 323-1706. They do provide services for cats as well as dogs but unsure if they support TNR.

Galveston County Empty Shelter Project - Galveston County, Santa Fe. TNR Program. Email them for more info and to find out about becoming a trapper with their program.

Galveston Island Humane Society - Galveston. TNR education and support, colony management. GIHS is a sponsoring organization under the City of Galveston TNR ordinance and helps caregivers care for outdoor feral/community cat colonies. Check out their page on the Community Cat Program and their Facebook page.

Galveston Island Community Cat TNR Program - Galveston. TNR Program.

Gulf Coast Humane Society - Corpus Christi. Adoption, low-cost clinics. Check to see if feral cats are eligible for services. May be a resource for adoptable cats and kittens.

Gulf Coast Tiny Paws Rescue - Clear Lake. Rescues animals throughout the Gulf Coast area. An all-volunteer, foster home-based cat and dog rescue.

Harris County Pets Community Cat Program - Houston. SNR Program, low-cost spay/neuter, free. Services provided for those who live within unincorporated Harris County. HarrisCountyCCP@bestfriends.org
Hotline 713-253-0529. Email communitycats@countypets.com.

Healthy Pets Healthy Streets - Houston. BARC Animal Shelter and Adoptions is partnering with some of Houston's pet advocates (Friends For Life, SNAP, Emancipet, Houston Humane Society and others) to reduce pet overpopulation and promote pet wellness in targeted areas of Houston. The initiative offers free spay/neuter and wellness services to pet owners in neighborhoods with a large number of stray animals.

Homeless and Orphaned Pets Endeavor (HOPE) - Houston Area. HOPE can help with equipment for loan (traps, recovery carriers, cat condos), free or reduced-cost spay/neuter for a small colony, resources/educational materials and guidance/support, and cat adoption program for socialized, formerly-feral kittens. Email them here.

Houston Area Cats & Kittens (HACK) - Houston. Must be approved to post. May be a good source for finding foster homes for kittens or ill cats.

Houston Cares Animal Rescue - Southwest Houston & surrounding areas. TNR Program, Trap loan, TNR assistance and guidance. 17555 Katy Fwy, Houston, TX 77094.

Houston Felines (Facebook page) - Houston area. Might be a good resource for posting cats or kittens needing fosters or adoption, cats that might be lost, community input on a cat issue, recruiting feeders, and more.

Houston Humane Society - Houston and surrounding areas. Low-cost spay/neuter and wellness care
No appointment is necessary for feral cats. Their Fix Felix & Friends for Free program offers free spays/neuters, microchipping, and annual vaccines to income-qualifying families. Even if the pet is already spayed/neutered, they are still eligible to receive microchipping, and annual vaccines.


Houston Pets Alive! - Houston. Possible resource for barn cats, kittens, and nursing cats. Unsure if they only intake from shelters.

Houston PETSET For The Animals - Houston. Offers spay/neuter surgery, vaccines and microchips for just $20. NO animals currently in rescue/foster care, strays or TNRs. To schedule an appointment, owners must pay a $20 non-refundable fee per pet. View the spay/neuter calendars for residency/zip code restrictions.

Houston Save-a-Pet and Pet Support - This Facebook page is for rehoming animals, soliciting for fosters/rescues, posting adoptable animals, asking questions…etc.

Houston SPCA - Houston. Barn Cat Program, adoptions.

Houston SPCA 24-Hour Injured Rescue Ambulance - Houston. The Houston SPCA is the only agency in the Gulf Coast region providing an injured animal rescue ambulance service 24 hours a day, every day of the year. If you see an animal who is injured, orphaned or in distress, please call 713-880-HELP (4357). If it is safe for you and the animal, please bring the injured, unowned animal to our Rehoming Center located at 900 Portway Dr., Houston, TX 77024 between the hours of 10 a.m. and 3 p.m.  There is no appointment or fee necessary for these types of emergencies, but we do ask that you call (713) 869-7722 and let us know that you are on your way.

Houston TNR (Facebook group) - Houston.

Humane Society and Adoption Center of Rockport-Fulton - Fulton, Rockport. No-kill facility for cats and dogs. Might be an option for adoptable cats and kittens.

K-9 Angels Rescue - Houston. Free (in underserved areas) or low-cost spay/neuter, transport of dogs and cats to other states for adoption. Check out The Empty Shelter Project (TESP).

Kemah Boardwalk Cats - Kemah, Clear Lake City. Facebook page. Dedicated to the betterment of all feral cat communities in addition to all animals in need.

Kountry Katz Feral Rescue - Houston Area, Waller, Woodlands, Sugarland. Rescue in Waller, TX focusing on TNR for feral colonies, providing food & shelter & relocation when necessary. Email them.

Liberty County Animal Rescue - Liberty County. This is an individual “Doing what I can to make a difference in our county since we have no Animal Control & no shelter.” Rescue involves cats, dogs, and others. 850-643-7977

Lifeline of Galveston County - Galveston County. Website includes a list of spay/neuter options for this area, trap loan program. ​If you have a large colony of cats you are trying to get fixed or you are not in a financial position to pay for community cat spay/neuters, complete their Community Cat Assistance Form

Low-cost/free spay & neutering referrals for Liberty County (Facebook page) - Liberty County. "FIXING LIBERTY PETS" focuses on finding low-cost/free spay & neutering services available in the area.

LMN Feline Rescue (Facebook Page)- Humble. This group rescues and places abandoned, abused, and neglected cats and kittens into permanent loving homes. LMN rescues from the community, and from high kill shelters.

Mission For Paws - Houston. Kitten and cat rescue in foster/volunteer homes. Their mission is to rescue, rehabilitate, and rehome stray and abandoned animals.

Mission Pawsible Animal Assistance of Corpus Christi - Corpus Christi. They are a small, nonprofit, foster-based animal rescue that is committed to helping and rescuing stray, abandoned, and homeless cats and dogs.

Missouri City Animal Services - Missouri City. Trap loan, adoptions. Unsure if they provide assistance with TNR but they do have a trap loan program.

Montgomery County Animal Services - Montgomery County, Conroe. Shelter, foster program, supports TNR.

Operation Pets Alive! - The Woodlands, Montgomery County. TNR support, low-cost spay/neuter clinic, foster program. They offer two low-cost spay and neuter plans for residents of Montgomery County, Texas.

PAAC/People Assisting Animal Control - Corpus Christi Area. TNR seminars, colony management, free or low-cost spay/neuter. They offer a community cat special for $25. Follow them on Facebook for updates on free or low-cost spay/neuter. Click the link to see what areas are eligible for free spay/neuter which includes Alice, Aransas Cou nty, Aransas Pass, Beeville, Ingleside, San Pat County, Refugio, Taft, Austwell and many more.

Pappy’s Animal Rescue (Facebook Page) - Refugio. Nonprofit that rescues abandoned and/or stray animals from situations that are endangering, restores health as needed, and provides needed veterinary care.

Pasadena Humane - Pasadena. TNR Program. Free or low-cost spay/neuter for community cats for residents of 11 service cities.

Pet Assistance Association - Beeville. This organization helps with spay/neuter of pets for low-income people and adoption. Unsure if it is still in existence.

PUPS Prevent Unwanted Pets - Cat Spring + . Low-cost spay and neuter for pets and feral cat colonies and barn cats. Check out their Facebook page. Assistance is provided for those that can't afford the entire s/n bill on their own and serves 9 counties west of Houston. Call and leave a message at 979-732-5591 or 979-484-1506.

Purr Paws Rescue - Cypress. Foster-based adoption program. Might be helpful for kittens and friendly cats. Visit their Facebook page!

Rayford Animal Wellness Clinic (RAWC) - Spring. Low-cost spay/neuter. If you have a feral cat that needs to be spayed or neutered, call for an appointment. (281) 667-9360.  The cost is $50 and includes a rabies and FVRCP vaccine, ear mite treatment, a 24 hour NSAID injection and a buprenorphine injection.

Refugio Area TNR (Facebook page) - Refugio. TNR Program.

Rita B. Huff Humane Society of Walker County - Walker County, Huntsville. Animal shelter, unsure of any support for TNR but may be a resource for trap loan, reduced cost pay neuter, adoption of friendly cats and kittens and feral kitten fosters.

Rockport-Fulton Humane Society (HSAC) - Aransas County. Low-cost spay/neuter of ferals ($20), trap rental, kitten fosters.

Rusk Veterinary Assistance Grants - Offers financial assistance for qualifying families in need of medical or surgical intervention for their beloved pet. These one-time grants aim to preserve the human-animal bond by funding life-saving or life-changing veterinary care to a pet that might otherwise be relinquished, euthanized, or enduring prolonged suffering.

S.A.V.E. Rescue Coalition - Houston Metro Area, Santa Fe. Low-cost or free spay/neuter, shelter/adoptions. Free monthly feral cat clinics and a once-a-week appointment at a local spay/neuter clinic.

Save a Purrfect Cat Rescue - Houston. Foster-based adoptions. May be a good resource for adoptable cats and kittens.

Second Chance Pets (Facebook page) - Clear Lake, Bay Area. Foster-based group, adoptions. Might be an option for friendly kittens and cats. Visit their website.

SNAP - Houston, Pasadena. Low-cost Spay/Neuter Program.

SNIP Spay & Neuter Initiative Program - League City. Low-cost spay/neuter.

SNIP - Spay/Neuter in Greater Pearland area - Pearland. Free or low-cost spay/neuter.

Spay & Neuter Your Pet - SNYP (Facebook page) - Victoria. Spay/neuter program. Program discontinued June 2023.

Space City Cats - Greater Heights region of Houston. TNR training, mentoring, and assistance, adoption.

Spay Neuter Assistance Program (SNAP) - Houston. Low-cost spay/neuter. Contact to confirm if services are provided for feral cats.

SPCA Low Cost Spay and Neuter Clinic - Freeport, Brazoria County. TNR program with spay/neuter and vaccinations for $55. Email for more info.

Special Pals Rescue Resource Center - Houston. Adoptions. May be a resource for friendly cats and kittens.

SPCA of Brazoria County - Lake Jackson. Supports TNR. Unsure if they directly provide any services for community cats but may at least be a resource for friendly cats and kittens eligible for adoption or trap loan.

SPCA San Pat County - San Patricio County. TNR assistance, trap loan. Strives to assist in finding trappers, rescues, and shelters to support TNR. Financial assistance may be available.

Special Pals Rescue Resource Center - Houston. Adoption. May be a resource for friendly cats and kittens.

Starlight Outreach and Rescue (S.O.A.R.) - Brazoria, Galveston, and Harris counties. TNR Program, rescue, community education & outreach. Nonprofit foster-based animal rescue striving to provide a better quality of life for stray and abandoned animals, medical attention beyond the scope/capabilities of the facilities, and fostering and rescue services for animals with special needs. Check out their Facebook page!

StoryBook Rescues - Cat Spring. Sanctuary, adoption. This is a 45-acre animal sanctuary for anything with four legs, wings, or a tail. In 2024 they saved 582 cats. Check out their Facebook page.

Stray and Feral Cat Outreach of Bolivar Peninsula (Facebook page) - Bolivar Peninsula, Galveston County.

Team Feral - Houston. Cat Rescue and adoption. Visit their Facebook page.

Texas Cat Coalition - Corpus Christi. This is a small foster-based rescue that is dedicated to saving special needs and critically sick or injured cats. Visit their Facebook page. Click here to email them.

Texas Litter Control - Harris, Montgomery and surrounding counties. Low-cost spay/neuter, barn cat program.. TLC spays/neuters feral cats Monday through Saturday. Their website also provides a list of resources for vouchers for TNR’d cats. Click this link for information on voucher and community cat funding assistance.

The Cattery Cat Shelter - Corpus Christi. Low-cost spay/neuter. Offers a Feral Cat Package for $35.

The Cattery’s Ferals Friends Club (Facebook page) - Corpus Christi. TNR, Cattery Spay/Neuter Clinic. Volunteers committed to reducing the cat over population in Corpus Christi through TNR.

The Feral Cat Assistance Program (FCAP) - Houston area. No-cost TNR. FCAP is a volunteer group providing education on non-lethal ways of controlling the feral cat population. They provide TNR assistance and education to caregivers of feral cat colonies all over the Houston area. For more information on FCAP, please contact the FCAP Coordinator. And check out their Feral Kitten Care Guide.

The Forgotten Pet Advocates (Facebook page) -Pearland. Adoption, Foster homes. Might be a good option for adoptable cats and kittens.

The Humane Society & Adoption Center - Rockport-Fulton. Might be a resource for adoptable cats and kittens. Check with them on any other services.

The Huntsville Cat Project - Huntsville, Walker County. TNR Program, barn cat program, Adoption, TNR guidance.

The Never Nix'd Rescue Initiative Inc. - Anahuac, Baytown, Richmond, Sugar Land, Houston, Katy. This group’s mission is to give every cat or kitten in the Greater Houston Area a chance regardless of their circumstance, create a safe environment for them, and educate others about positive spay/neuter efforts. They specialize in neonatal care.

The Rees-Jones Foundation - North Texas area. The Foundation’s focus in animal welfare is primarily Adoption for animals in need of a forever home, Preventing animal cruelty, and Maintaining Dallas’ designation as a no-kill city. This has included spay/neuter services.

The Rescue Vet Clinic - Houston. Community Cat Spay/Neuter Package. They offer a special rate for TNR Cat Trappers.

TNR Brazoria County (Facebook Page) - Brazoria County. Facebook page for the sharing of resources. Might not be active anymore (11/2023).

Tomball SOS (Save Our Strays) - Tomball, Harris County. TNR Program, community education, adoption website, assistance with shelters and feeding stations. All volunteer nonprofit organization.

Town of Hempstead Animal Shelter - Hempstead. Trap Loan Program TNR. Effective September 1, 2020, Central Veterinary Associates will begin accepting feral cats for TNR on behalf of the Town of Hempstead Animal Shelter.

Trap-Neuter-Return Baytown! - Baytown. Fundraising Facebook page to support spay/neuter costs.

VAP, Volunteers for Animal Protection - Kingwood. VAP is dedicated to providing injured, abandoned and stray cats and dogs the help they need to prepare for new loving homes. Might be a resource for medical care for injured or ill cats, foster homes, or adoption of friendly cats and kittens. Visit their Facebook page.

Victoria TNR - Victoria. TNR Program. Also check out their Facebook page. Low-cost spay/neuter on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Click here for more info on spay/neuter. Victoria TNR states that it is the only organization in the Victoria area that rescues free-roaming unweaned kittens, older kittens, and cats in distress.

Volunteers for Animal Protection - Kingwood, Houston. See VAP above.

Wharton County Stray Pet Outreach Team (SPOT) - Wharton County, Wharton. TNR Program, barn cat program, spay/neuter voucher program, and more! Visit their Facebook page. Email them!

These low-cost Spay Neuter Clinics in the greater Houston area are feral-friendly: