About Us
We are a small group of people in the Greater Austin area who volunteer in some way to improve the quality of life for animals. Most of us are involved in a few different ways of doing what we can to make things better but all of us share a love of cats and believe that spay/neuter and TNR (trap-neuter-return) are essential in what needs to be done.
Continuously, we see the same questions posted in social media feeds and directed to organizations and agencies that provide services to animals. Some of these are:
Where can I get a stray cat fixed without paying a fortune?
There are several cats and kittens running around in my apartment complex. Something needs to be done but I can’t deal with this all my myself. Is there anyone who can help?
Where can I get a trap?
I feed a feral colony and one of the cats has an injured leg. Are there any vets that will treat feral cats and are there any funds to help with the cost?
How do I start a TNR Program in my area?
So, we decided we would put together a website where all the local resources that we could think of would be included in one place. However, the only way this website can do what we hope it will do is if all the organizations, groups, agencies, and individuals doing this amazing and often difficult work participate and send us information. We want to know about additional resources, trapper training events, funds to help when community cats need medical intervention, opportunities for barn cats, helpful ideas for other trappers, things you need donated, and fundraising opportunities/events. And we REALLY way to hear/read your stories. These lift the spirits of other trappers and inspire others with huge hearts to join the family of Texas trappers.
We invite you to be a part of this TNR network! Please visit our Contact page or email us with any questions, recommendations, or feedback. And follow us on Facebook!