About us & how you can help
The greatest resources for any TNR effort are the groups and individuals that work together to make it work as seamlessly as possible.
Our Purpose
The sharing of information and resources that support TNR efforts
Development of a collaborative network of individuals, organizations, and agencies working together to support TNR
Maintaining a website that includes as many TNR resources for Texas as possible
Increase the numbers of volunteers trained in TNR and help support a mentorship program
Support the efforts of local shelters, agencies and organizations through collaboration and inclusiveness with the goal of working together to reduce the number of cats and kittens in shelters as well as unaltered free-roaming cats
Waiting to be trapped
TNR’d kitten in need of medical care
Sometimes it is not just one cat that needs to be trapped
How you can help
Attend a free training to learn how to become a trapper
Volunteer to transport cats to and/or from spay/neuter appointments
Volunteer to foster cats and kittens who are not ready to be released
Help train and mentor new trappers
Contribute your trapping stories, photos or TNR-related links that might be added to the website
Donate funds to partnering nonprofit organizations to help pay for medical care of trapped cats
Donate food, traps or other needed supplies (we will connect you with one of our nonprofit partners)
Donate gas cards for trappers
Share our website with other potential supporters of TNR
Let us know other ways you might be able to help!
Contact Austin Animal Center (AAC) about being added to their list of trappers.
Here is ACC’s Volunteer Trapper Application and Standards of Conduct for Volunteers.
A caring foster
Dedicated trappers!